ディズニー・最新短編作品「Tick Tock Tale」(上映とセミナー) |
8/8(日) 11:15〜 大ホール |
ディズニー・最新短編作品「Tick Tock Tale」をアジア初公開し、監督のディーン・ウェリンズ氏が作品制作について語る
©Disney |
Tick Tock Tale
2010/6'00" Written and directed by: Dean Wellins
Produced by: Dorothy McKim
Executive Produced by: John Lasseter
Assoc Producer: Michael Wigert
Film Editor: Bill Caparella
Visual FX Supervisor: John Murrah
Art Director: Bill Perkins
Director of Lighting: Adolph Lusinsky
Technical Supervisor: Yun-Chen Sung
Animation Supervisor: Wayne Unten
Lighting Supervisor: Brian Leach
Character Design: Bill Schwab, Jeff Turley
Modelers: Joe Kwong, David Mooy, Samy Segura
Character set up: Craig Caton-Largent, Mark Empey,
Frank Hanner, Dave Komorowski, Amy Shimano, Timmy Tompkins
Look Development Artist: Michelle Lee Robinson
Look Development TDs: Brian Silva, Ramon Montoya Vozmediano
Layout Supervisor: Terry Moews
Layout Artists: Rick Moore, Doug Walker
Animators: Katie Cheang, Youngjae Choi, Dave Gottlieb,
Mark Mitchell, Marlon Nowe, John Ripa, Yuriko Senoo,
John Wong
FX Animation: Dale Mayeda
Lighters: Katie A. Fico, Rob Dressel, Darin Hollings,
Adrian Iler, Jorge Obregon, Jennifer Yu
Lighting ATD's: Douglass Addy, Amol Sathe
Stereo Supervisors: Robert Neuman
Stereo Pipeline: Mike Harris
First Assistant Editor: Eric Whitfield
Assistant Editor: Carol Folgate
Production Finance Leads: Belinda Hsu, Linda Matsuoka
Post Production Supervisor: Brent W. Hall
Post Production Coordinator: Brian Millman
Production Department Managers: Christin Ciaccio Briggs,
Kelly Feeg
Production Assistants: Lara Filbert, Aria Stewart
Talent Development Artists: Sara Cembalisty, Ryan De
Young, Edan Duarte, Edmund General, Edward Grampp III,
Daniel Haring, John Kahwaty, Singkham Khamnouane, Hubert
Leo, Daniel Naughton, Derek Nelson, Andres Perilla
Glen, Charles Scott, Lance Summers, Latasha Tobias,
Emily Tse, Aylwin Villaneuva,
Special Thanks: Ed Catmull, Andrew Millstein, Kristina
Reed, Tom McDougall,
Dawn Rivera-Ernster, Cameron Walker, Hank Driskeill,
Mike King, Jeannie Yip, Kathy Bond, Lutzner Rodriguez,
Tom Powell, Kent Gordon |