Competition August 23rd, Thursday.
2011/6'18" Country:Argentina
Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella (JPZtudio) Produced by: Sol Rulloni (JPZtudio)
In a world controlled and timed by light, an ordinary man has a plan that could change the natural order of things. |
2012/6'38" Country:Bulgaria
Directed by: Svilen Dimitrov (Miramar Film) Produced by: Matey Konstantinov (Miramar Film)
The last day of a man's life is seen as on a videotape which is being rewound to the moment he wakes up in the morning, having no idea what lays ahead. |
2010/5'21" Country:U.S.A.
Directed/Produced/Distributed by: Kirsten Lepore
Animated on location at a beach, in the snow, and underwater, this stop-motion short details a transoceanic conversation between two characters via objects in a bottle. |
2011/7'04" Country:France
Directed by: Atsushi Wada Produced by: Ron Dyens, Tamaki Okamoto (Sacrebleu Productions, CaRTe bLaNChe) Distributed by: Sacrebleu Productions (France and other), CaRTe bLaNChe (Japan and other)
Once we called the noble, profound and mysterious existence The Great. We have moved with the time, our thought and consciousness have changed. And yet, what makes us still calling it The Great? |
The little bird & the leaf |
Der kleine Vogel & das Blatt |
2012/4'01" Country:Switzerland
Directed/Distributed by: Lena von Döhren Produced by: Ruedi Schick (Swiss Effects Film GmbH) Co-Produced by: HSLU- Hochschule Design & Kunst
The winter wind blows away the little bird's best friend, an autumn leaf. He follows it and discovers the forest and the big world beyond. But mind the hungry fox, little bird! |
The Sardine Tin |
La boîte de sardines |
2011/9'24" Country:Belgium
Directed by: Louise-Marie Colon (Camera-etc) Produced by: Jean-Luc Slock (Camera-etc) Distributed by: Dimitri Kimplaire (Camera-etc)
Eva is a tiny little mermaid. One day she has a crush on Emile, a single fisherman, and jumps in his fishing net. Emile finds Eva in a sardines tin... |
2010/7'12" Country:Japan
Directed/Produced by: Yuta Sukegawa
This is a story about the “bond" between a light, which fell from a telephone pole in a harsh environment, and a flower, which blooms with the warmth of the light. Please give your warm watch to the two, who desperately snuggle up to and sympathize with each other in the severe cold winter. |
2011/9'51" Country:Canada
Directed by: Patrick Doyon (National Film Board of Canada) Distributed by: Christina Rogers (National Film Board of Canada)
After mass, the family gathered at Grandma and Grandpa's house, as they did every Sunday. With everyone talking at once, it sounded like a family of crows cawing while perched on hydro lines. The town factory has closed its doors and, naturally, the adults can't stop fretting about their money problems. On this particular Sunday, one of the village boys places a coin on the train tracks. Imagine his astonishment when, picking up the coin after a train has run over it, he discovers some amazing changes. Sunday, youg filmmaker Patrick Doyon's first film, is a magical tale that imparts important lessons about life as seen through the eyes of a child. |
2011/3'04" Country:U.S.A.
Directed/Produced by: Carlo Vogele
The last journey of a fish who carries his deathsong from his sale at the fishmarket all the way into the frying pan. |
2011/5'52" Country:Italy
Directed/Produced by: Bruno Bozzetto Distributed by: Bruno Bozzetto Distribution Snc
Is there a meaning to the thousands of wars fought by mankind? |
2011/12'38" Country:Canada/ Japan
Directed by: Koji Yamamura(Yamamura Animation, Inc.) Produced by: Michael Fukushima (NFB), Keisuke Tsuchihashi(NHK), Shuzo Shiota (Polygon Pictures) Distributed by: Akiko Isobe (Polygon Pictures), Mariko Tazawa(Yamamura Animation, Inc.)
Can we stop time? Or reverse it? This animation ponders “time" by comparing two worlds; the one of the photographer Eadweard J. Muybridge who succeeded making photos of the sequence of horse gallops in 1878, and the other surrounding the scenes of a mother and a daughter in today's Tokyo. |
2012/10'18" Country:U.K.
Directed by: Timothy Reckart (National Film And Television School) Produced by: Fodhla Cronin O'Reilly (National Film And Television School) Distributed by: National Film And Television School, Distribution Department
A husband and wife have grown apart over the years. He lives on the floor, she lives on the ceiling, and the marriage hangs in the balance. |
2010/3'59" Country:Israel
Directed/Produced by: Ofra Kobliner, Eli Ben-David (Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design) Distributed by: Rafi Yaniger (Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design)
Swimmig as an allegory to the experience of city life's challenges. The main character's private world is represented by means of a line. The reality in which it “swims" is represented by still pictures. |
2010/10'00" Country:Brazil
Directed/Produced by: Cesar Luiz Cabral (COALA FILMES)
A lone sailor sails through stormy seas, seeking to reunite with his beloved. He follows a strict routine until unexpected changes in his path alter his destiny. |
2011/2'51" Country:Canada
Directed/Distributed by: Theodore Ushev Produced by: Nicolas-Gerard Detruc (FNC)
This metaphorical surrealist tale is an allusion. Nightingales in December is a trip into the memories, and the fields of the current realities. There are no nightingales in December. |
2011/7'26" Country:U.K.
Directed by: Julia Pott (Royal College of Art, Animation Dept.) Produced by: Animation Staff (Royal College of Art, Animation Dept.) Distributed by: Future Shorts Ltd.
Oscar is coming of age, against his better judgment. In doing so he must experience the necessary evil of leaving something behind, but he can still feel it in the pit of his stomach. |
2010/6'27" Country:Rep. of Korea
Directed by: Young-geun Kim, Ye-young Kim Distributed by: KIAFA AniSEED
People get together to constitute a city. Seoul is a city full of people. Let's imagine the city free from wall and frames between people, and relieved of its shell. |