Japanese Animation Special 1:
Feature Animation
"Grave of the Fireflies"
by Isao Takahata
(Japanese, Subtitles in English)
Best of the World 1
Best of the World 2
Feature Animation
by Fernando Cortizo,
Japan Premiere
(Spanish, Subtitles in English and Japanese)
Opening Ceremony
Competition 1
Animation from the World
Stars of Students 1
Japanese Animation Special 2: "Japanese Animation History Part Ⅰ&Ⅱ" by Taiji Yabushita
Japanese Animation Special 3:
History 1
Junichi Kouchi, Seitaro Kitayama, Noburo Ofuji, and others
Japanese Animation Special 4:
History 2
Yasuji Murata, Wagoro Arai, Mitsuyo Seo
Japanese Animation Special 5:
History 3
Kenzo Masaoka, Masao Kumakawa
Notice) The timetable and contents of the program are subject to change.