Competition3 August 23rd, Saturday.
2014/12'19" Country:Poland
Directed by: Wojciech Sobczyk Produced/Distributed by: Wojciech Sobczyk(STOWARZYSZENIE TWÓRCÓW FILMU ANIMOWANEGO EKSPERYMENTALNEGO i VIDEO STUDIO A)
"Summer 2014", a kind of an author animated impression about human nature in relation to the past and present. Summer here is the season of war, starvation and death... |
2012/4'12" Country:France
Directed by: Elsa Duhamel Produced/Distributed by:La Poudrière, École du film d'animation
Jeanine and Alain are French with Algerian roots. They live in northern France, where they have created a Mediterranean-style garden. |
2013/6'35" Country:Germany
Directed/Produced by: Izabela Plucinska Distributed by: Zofia Ścisłowska (Krakow Film Foundation)
What is memory loss? In the labyrinth of fear, a stranger becomes a close person and home turns into a trap. Groping her way down the track of familiar objects and shapes, the character is trying to go back to the life that used to be her own. This latest clay animation from Izabela Plucinska is a captivating picture of the feeling of being lost and alienated and an attempt at putting the pieces that fail to fit together into a whole. |
2013/3'46" Country:U.S.A.
Directed/Distributed by: Louis Morton Produced by: Mar Elepaño
An animated city symphony celebrates the hidden world of background noise with field recordings from the streets of Los Angeles and Tokyo. |
2012/12'43" Country:U.S.A.
Directed/Produced/Distributed by: Daniel Sousa
A wild boy is found in the woods by a solitary hunter and brought back to civilization. Alienated by a strange new environment, the boy tries to adapt by using the same strategies that kept him safe in the forest. |
2013/2'39" Country:Hungary
Directed by:László Ruska, Dávid Ringeisen Produced by: József Fülöp (Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design)
An image film for WWF Hungary in which the values that WWF stands for, become visible on the level of a micro-world, where everything refers to the slogan: "We are all connected." |
2013/17'09" Country:Russia
Directed by: Leonid Shmelkov Produced/Distributed by: Arsen Gottlieb (MetronomeFilms / Arsen Gottlieb)
Misha, a little boy, spends his weekends with his dad. Misha has a dream: that is to meet a moose. A real moose in flesh and blood. But somehow it just won't happen. The moose is somewhere close by, but you wish it were a bit closer. |
Long bridge of desired direction |
2012/8'49" Country:Russia
Directed by: Ivan Maximov Produced by: Alexander Gerasimov (Master-Film Studio)
The story about a lonely man who lives with his pet on a small island and longed to get to "other people." |
2013/4'35" Country:France
Directed by: Morgane Le Péchon Produced/Distributed by:La Poudrière, École du film d'animation
A hot Sunday by the lakeside. Whilst his father is fishing and his mother sunbathes, Irvine dreams up an extravagant death for himself. |
2013/10'57" Country:France
Directed by: Bastien Dubois Produced by: Ron Dyens (Sacrebleu Productions)
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" Arthur C. Clark. On the Papua coasts, in the middle of the Pacific War, some Papuans are looking for the magnanimity of the Cargo god elaborating a new ritual. |
2012/5'50" Country:Hungary
Directed by: Bálint Farkas Gelley, Maja Szakadát Produced by: József Fülöp (Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design) Distibuted by: Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design
Animated short film, based on Ádám Bodor's short story "Farm Girl". |
2013/8'28" Country:France
Directed by: Inès Sedan Produced by: Dora Benousilio (LES FILMS DE L'ARLEQUIN) Distributed by: Dora Benousilio
A woman is forced by her husband to be silent forever. But, when listening to nature she finds her own song and a hope for a new life. |
2014/6'04" Country:Croatia
Directed by: Petra Zlonoga Produced/Distributed by: Vanja Andrijevic (Bonobostudio)
Everything that is alive is hungry; seed is hungry for light, bird is hungry for flight, man is hungry for the touch of another. The seed of longing grows into what feeds us. |
2014/14'02" Country:Republic of Korea
Directed/Produced by: Saebyul Hwangbo (KIAFA(ANISEED)) Distributed by: Eun Young Lee (KIAFA(ANISEED))
This work intends to depict a contradictory psychology known as ambivalence by metaphorically comparing a digital process called 'Defragmentation' to a human thinking process. Explanations about the work : 'Defragmentation' is a process to rearrange broken fragments and reduce the amount of fragments to efficiently operate the volume (hard disc or storage device) that has been broken due to repetitive deletions and recordings, thus improving the performance. This work puts the defragmentation process in the narrative structure and rearranges three episodes. |